Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday - Pinning Wins

All I do is pin. All day. Errday. Here are my top pins from the week.

 Number One

This seemed like a nifty little doodle project for me. So what did I do? I turned it into an obsession.

I did one sharpie picture. I added the polka dots since I don't have any colored pencils. I did another one on scrapbook paper to put into the scrapbook, obviously. Lastly, I thought I'd steal the pattern and get started on making my thank you cards for the baby shower / misc. presents.

I'm pretty proud of the fact that I actually made thank you cards. I started to make some for my wedding, and never ever finished.

Number Two

Coconut oil is my new LOVE. I knew it was wonderful and lovely but I never had any need to buy it until recently. I tried my hand homemade chapstick. It ended in a greasy, melty mess. Anyhow, I found myself left with 3/4 of a can of this wonderful oil. Believe me, I will have an entire separate post on how much I love this stuff. This pin led me to a number of different uses for it.

Number Three
This is amazing. I cannot wait to get started. I hope to turn this list into a portfolio. 

Number Four

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."
I'm massively motivated to get into superb shape after the baby. I say this as I sit on the couch, eating cookies and milk. But really... pinning things like this will make me do it... right?

Number Five
Lastly. I love a good Fight Club reference. If there is anyone reading this, and you haven't seen this movie, go.. find it.. now. Also, shame on you.

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